Monday, March 24, 2014

Democrats should rejoice

A Bucks County Courier Times editorial (2/28/2014):

It’s easy to criticize politicians, what with the gridlock in Washington and the snail progress is harnessed to in Harrisburg. That both situations are driven by divisive party politics grows skepticism about our leaders’ priorities and withers hope for the future.

So it is a joyful reprieve when there is good news to report. Such was the case this week.

If you’re not, you should be aware that this year’s elections include all of Bucks County’s state legislative seats. The good news is that voters in the very populous 142nd Legislative District (Middletown, the Langhornes and Southamptons) will have top quality candidates to choose from — not often the case in legislative races. Too often, one party or the other cannot muster a challenger to take on an incumbent. Nearly as often and more concerning is the entry of candidates who don’t have a clue.

That’s not the case this year. Democrats should rejoice that former Neshaminy School Board President Ritchie Webb will seek their party’s nomination in the primary election to run against incumbent Republican Frank Farry in the fall. This endeavor required Webb to change parties, a decision made easy by his political pragmatism and moderate views.

“I’ve always tried to come out and say pretty much what I think is correct, whether it aligns with the Democrats or the Republicans,” Webb said. There’s no doubt about Webb’s candor and his dedication to transparency. We can vouch for that. He was the school board’s lead negotiator through five contentious years of contract talks with the Neshaminy teachers union, a painful process punctuated by two strikes.

Webb would not yield on costly issues, while keeping the public informed throughout what normally is a secretive process. The union finally agreed to a contract that will save taxpayers millions.

To be clear, this is not an endorsement but a welcome embrace of a contest that will give voters a chance to decide between two quality candidates, should Webb get the Democrats’ nod.


  1. I`m voting for him!

  2. I don't care which party he runs for. He's got my vote.

    Ed H.

  3. "Democrats should Rejoice". I like this, and I will tell you why. If you take notice, what do the Democrats control locally? If your answer is Nothing, you would be correct. Look at the Neshaminy School Board, 8 Republicans, 1 Democrat. Middletown Board of Supervisors, 5 Republicans, 0 Democrats. State Rep, Republican. Congressman, Republican.

    Rich Webb has done so much for our community and has decided to change his party affiliation. Is that wrong? No, not at all. It is his right as an American. Rich Webb knew he would not get the nod by the Republican Party. You may ask why on this one also. The answer is, Rich Webb is "NOT" one of the good ole boys and does not belong to the "Club". Rich Webb is a man of integrity and stands for what he believes in, whether it means siding with the Democrats or Republicans. Rich Webb is his own man. I used to kid Rich Webb that he was more a Democrat than a Republican. Well, I guess I was right. He is now officially a Democrat. What is a party registration anyway? It is just a Registration and that is it. When it comes time to vote in the General election, and you are in that booth, it matters not what party you are registered, it matters what button you push. You cast your vote for who you believe in, whether that is the Republican candidate or the Democrat candidate.

    One would think that the Democrats would rally around "A Winner" like Rich Webb. I believe they have. I have spoken to many. Yes, of course, you have the hard lined Democrats that say, "Hey, he is not one of our own". Well these people are sadly Mistaken. Rich Webb is "One of their own". If the Democratic party hopes to "Control" any office, they will rally around Rich Webb and "Rejoice" in the fact that they have a real chance of putting a Democrat into a locally elected position. If not, we will have status quo locally with the same Republican leaders. Now is a time for change. Embrace it, or come November, you will wish you did. Rich Webb will have my vote......
