There are many important concerns facing Pennsylvanians every single day. As your State Representative, Ritchie Webb will work to represent you on these and other important issues:
Education Funding
In the ten years that I was on the Neshaminy School Board, unfunded state mandates were a major issue. Since special education is always underfunded, I would work to change the current funding formula. Money (tax dollars) is a limited resource that must be spent wisely. We should engage the people who work with our children daily; the people who run our schools - teachers, superintendents, etc. - for advice on what they think should be a priority in education spending.
State Pension Plan
The state pension plan is currently $50 billion in debt, and is yet another example of state mandates without funding. Our state and school employees deserve and expect their retirement plan to be solvent when they retire. However, the state's current answer is to increase the contribution rates for school districts so much that local school districts will be forced to cut our children's programs or substantially increase taxes on homeowners.
I would look to fund PSERS using an extraction tax on gas companies and possibly changing the structure of our retirement plan for future new hires.
Extraction Tax (Marcellus Shale)
I favor an extraction tax. This money could be used to pay for monitoring of drilling to assure safety and possibly used to help offset some future PSERS contributions that, otherwise, will be paid by homeowners.
Pennsylvania has over 6,000 wells currently and more in the future. I am very concerned about the safety of our water supply and the chemicals used in the extraction of gas, which is why I am not in favor of drilling in the Delaware River Basin, as it is the source of drinking water for millions of people. The gas companies must be completely transparent in disclosing what they are injecting into the ground, without relying on the "Trade Secret" exemption.
Abortion Rights
I have five children and unborn life is very precious to me; however, I remember when abortions were performed in back rooms and alleys by unqualified people, risking the lives of many women. I do not want my daughter or granddaughter to ever be put in that position; therefore, I believe it is a woman's choice.
Paycheck Protection Act
I am a member of PSEA and currently hold the position of treasurer with an Act 93 group. I pay my PSEA dues via payroll deduction every pay period. The Paycheck Protection Act is a way for the camel to get his nose under the tent, leading to the real motive behind this act: Creating a Right-to-Work state.
I oppose the Paycheck Protection Act.
Voter Rights
Like most Americans, I support the right of all legal citizens to vote in elections. While I sympathize with those who want some sort of voter identification to help prevent improper voting, the current efforts do more to disenfranchise legitimate voters than they do to prevent the fraudulent ones.
I cannot support any voter ID law that suppresses or hinders the rights of legitimate voters.
Municipalities Not Having to Advertise Meetings in Newspaper Anymore
Not everyone has access to a computer, especially our seniors. I would oppose changing the current requirements.
Receiving Gifts
I would refuse all gifts regardless of size.
Neshaminy teacher Suzy Drake wrote a letter to the editor where she criticized Ritchie for favoring the payroll protection act. That was a lie. Then on a website one of Gina Kiley's unnamed supporters totally misstated Ritchie's position on several of these issue. Again those were lies.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't politicians focus on the positives of what they can do instead of lying about their opponent