Friday, May 16, 2014

Why Ritchie Webb is the person we need in Harrisburg

Memorial Day is a time to remember those who served our country with honor. The holiday weekend gives family and friends a chance to spend time together.

Recently I was trying to plan out what our family would be doing this Memorial Day weekend when I thought back to what we were doing last year. Instead of resting and enjoying some down time, my husband, Ritchie Webb, spent the entire weekend in negotiations with the Neshaminy Federation of Teachers.

I remember him apologizing to me for missing the time with family, explaining that he needed to do this for the good of the community. There was a chance to end the 5-year contract impasse and he had to try. And of course, we know the outcome . . . a signed contract with the NFT, and millions of dollars saved that could be reinvested into classroom education!

Now that is the kind of person we need in Harrisburg!

- Jennie Webb

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