Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A man of integrity, a history of accomplishment

A Courier Times Guest Opinion


As a Democrat and former Neshaminy School Board director who served with Ritchie Webb, I can tell you why Democratic voters should support him in the May 20th primary for state representative of the 142nd District.

At one point during Ritchie’s term as school board president, he held a seven-seat majority, and he certainly did not need my support. Yet, Ritchie met with me to emphasize the importance of all nine of us working together for the good of the district, and how we should keep our emphasis on the students rather than party politics.

I have to admit to being a little skeptical, but Ritchie proved to be a man of his word time and time again.

When several board members pushed to award a no-bid contract to an under-qualified vendor who was a well-known campaign contributor to the GOP, Ritchie broke ranks with the Republicans and stood with me to oppose this political appointment. I remember once saying to him that he was going to catch a lot of grief from the local Republican power brokers over his opposition to the appointment, and he responded that it didn’t matter because it was the right thing to do.

These are just two examples among many of how Ritchie chose to do what was right rather than what was politically expedient. At a time when too many politicians focus on getting elected based on campaign rhetoric, Ritchie Webb is the only state representative candidate for the 142nd District with a proven record of achievement who served the people in his community rather than special interests.

While there are some in the Democratic Party who feel that Ritchie hasn’t proven himself to be a real Democrat, I wonder if maybe they are too fixated on party politics instead of doing what is right. Voters have a chance here of sending someone to Harrisburg who can make a positive difference in the lives of Pennsylvanians.

If you have any doubt regarding Ritchie’s integrity and sincerity, just look at how his campaign is run compared to that of his opponent, Gina Kiley. All of the statements and literature coming out of Ritchie’s campaign have focused on his accomplishments and his stance on the issues. By contrast, supporters of Gina Kiley have resorted to childish and underhanded tactics such as creating a website in Ritchie’s name, and spreading misinformation in a blatant attempt to misrepresent his views.

All we ask of voters is that they look above the dirty campaign tricks, and instead base their choice on a thorough evaluation of both candidates. Ask yourselves which candidate has the skills and experience to best represent the people of the 142nd District.

To learn more about Ritchie Webb, please visit our website at or at

Our highest elected Democratic official in Bucks County, Diane Marseglia, supports Ritchie Webb. Three former and current Democratic Neshaminy School Board officials support Ritchie Webb. And on May 20th, we ask all Democrats to join us in sending a message to politicians in both parties that the status quo will no longer be tolerated.

It’s time to give the state representative job back to the people!

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